
Category Archives for "Challenges"

Drink More Water (31 Days to a Happier You: Day 2)

If you’re looking for a way to be happier that’s easy, you can’t get much easier than this. Drink more water. Seriously! Staying hydrated is something that will help your whole body, inside and out. I’m not saying you need to be guzzling water all day, but studies show that people who drink 6 or […]

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31 Days to a Happier You!

It’s summer! Now is the perfect time to make small changes so that you can be happier. So throughout the month of July, every day you’ll be able to come back here to find a new thing you can do to be a little bit happier. None of them take a lot of time, and […]

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30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Summary

I can’t believe that I was able to be mindful (or at least try daily,) for the entire month of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge! Being mindful is difficult. I knew this going in, but I sort of hoped that by the end of the month, it would be easier. So far, it really isn’t. […]

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30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 30

Wow. I can’t believe I’m on the last day of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge! At the beginning I thought it was going to be a really long month, but it really didn’t seem so long. I’ll leave it until tomorrow to go over my summary…but today, I decided to eat something mindfully. I absolutely […]

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30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 29

There are only two days left as part of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge. So far I’ve done 4 different 1-week exercises, which leaves me with the two extra days. So I’ve decided that for these days, I’ll just do what I enjoyed the most. So today I used Headspace to do a guided meditation. […]

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30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 28

I can’t believe the 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge that I started is almost over. Today is the last day of my “Mindful Movements” week, and I cheated. I’m doing something that I did earlier this month. But since it fits under a mindful movement, and since it was such a beautiful day here in NJ, […]

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30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 27

Even though it’s not exactly exercise, today I chose to do massage. It’s definitely still a mindful movement, and therefore counts as part of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge. Massage is a great thing to do when you want to be mindful, as you’re usually not thinking of anything at all when being massaged. You […]

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30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 26

It’s incredible how many different ways there are to do mindful movements. Today I decided to try Pilates as part of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge. Pilates is supposed to improve flexibility, build strength, and put emphasis on breathing, a strong core, and improving coordination and balance. So it sounds like a perfect way to […]

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30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 25

It’s amazing how many different mindful movements there are out there. Today I decided to try Tai Chi as part of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge. Tai Chi is a Chinese tradition that uses deep breathing and slow movements. That makes it great for being mindful. It also makes it great for almost anyone, no […]

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