
Category Archives for "Health Tips"

Get Outside! (31 Days to a Happier You: Day 3)

If you’re looking for something small (and fun) that you can do to be happier each day, all you have to do is go outside! I don’t know about you, but just thinking about being outside on a nice sunny, warm day makes me happier. Spending just 20 minutes outside a day in the fresh […]

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Drink More Water (31 Days to a Happier You: Day 2)

If you’re looking for a way to be happier that’s easy, you can’t get much easier than this. Drink more water. Seriously! Staying hydrated is something that will help your whole body, inside and out. I’m not saying you need to be guzzling water all day, but studies show that people who drink 6 or […]

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The Power of When (Just Finished it – Great Book!)

I love reading…both fiction and non-fiction. When I’m reading non-fiction though, I want to get something out of the book. I just finished reading “The Power of When” this afternoon, and definitely got a lot out of that book. I HOPE to implement it…but what Michael Breus is asking is a lot. Basically, everyone has […]

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Is Exercise Magic?

Please, feel free to call me crazy. But let me go through my thought process, and maybe you won’t think I am. Yesterday was a completely blah day. I’m sure you know how it is. You don’t want to do any work. You know you have stuff to do, but you just can’t get the […]

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