Having a Stuffy Nose Sucks – But This Trick Actually Helped me Breathe!

Not being able to breathe easily really sucks.
And what’s the worst thing you can do when you have a stuffy nose?
Ironically, it’s blow your nose!
Seriously. That makes it worse. The more you blow your nose, the worse it will get.
Isn’t that crazy?
I’ve been doing some research today on how to get rid of a stuffy nose.
Why? Because yesterday, I woke up with a cold.
I’ve been doing everything you’re supposed to – drinking lots of fluids, having soup, using steam, and so on to help my cold go away faster.
I love it when I can use natural ways to get better instead of medications that don’t even usually work on me for a cold.
But it just hasn’t been enough.
I didn’t sleep well last night, and so was looking online for anything that would help me today.
As I’m sure you know, the worst thing about a stuffy nose is not being able to sleep.
So out of desperation, I started looking online to see if I could find any “fast” ways to breathe easier.
And I found MAGIC.
Ok, fine. It’s not really magic.
But it worked, and I REALLY didn’t expect it to.
Basically, you use pressure points to massage a few places on your nose and your ear, and MAGIC, you can breathe through your nose again!
I can now breathe out of my nose. Is it perfect like if I didn’t have a cold at all? No…but it is SO much better than before.
After doing this, I was able to go back to sleep for another 2 hours! With no problems whatsoever!
So I think it’s incredible.
If you have a stuffy nose, I strongly suggest trying this method out. It takes only a few seconds, and gives you immediate relief!
You’ll feel much better…and be able to sleep, and BREATHE again!