Why I Love Shopping at Outlets

I really enjoy shopping at outlets. I know that a lot of people don’t, but I wanted to give my reasons why I do. Some say that the quality of clothing at outlets isn’t as good as the quality in the regular store. I think it depends. There are definitely some items that you can […]

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The Power of When (Just Finished it – Great Book!)

I love reading…both fiction and non-fiction. When I’m reading non-fiction though, I want to get something out of the book. I just finished reading “The Power of When” this afternoon, and definitely got a lot out of that book. I HOPE to implement it…but what Michael Breus is asking is a lot. Basically, everyone has […]

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Just Started Using a New Facial Cleanser…

I’d like to say I just started using a NEW facial cleanser…but the truth is I just started using a facial cleanser! Up until now I’d just use whatever soap or body wash I had on hand. I was told that I shouldn’t be doing that, and that I should find a good facial cleanser. […]

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Awesome Way to Travel with your Jewelry!

I totally wish I could take credit for coming up with this one…but I didn’t. A friend of mine told me what she did to make it easy to travel with her jewelry, and I happily decided to try it myself. I had never been inside a Vera Bradley store before, but while shopping with […]

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30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Summary

I can’t believe that I was able to be mindful (or at least try daily,) for the entire month of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge! Being mindful is difficult. I knew this going in, but I sort of hoped that by the end of the month, it would be easier. So far, it really isn’t. […]

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30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 30

Wow. I can’t believe I’m on the last day of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge! At the beginning I thought it was going to be a really long month, but it really didn’t seem so long. I’ll leave it until tomorrow to go over my summary…but today, I decided to eat something mindfully. I absolutely […]

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30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 29

There are only two days left as part of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge. So far I’ve done 4 different 1-week exercises, which leaves me with the two extra days. So I’ve decided that for these days, I’ll just do what I enjoyed the most. So today I used Headspace to do a guided meditation. […]

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