Happy New Year

Happy New Year! We’re now 8 days into 2024. Do you know what your plan is for the year? What do you want to accomplish? Whether it’s something with work, at home, or personally…do you have any ideas? I have to admit, for the past few months I’ve been…stuck. That’s not really the right word, […]

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Cool Disney T-Shirts on Zulily Right Now!

If you know anything about me, you know that I love everything Disney. When it comes to clothes, I usually see the same types of clothes with Disney stuff on them, and I’m not all that excited. Right now there is a Disney collection on Zulily that I’m very excited about though. It has really […]

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Do You Shop Disney Store Items at Target?

I love everything Disney. So when they announced a few years ago that almost all of the Disney Stores were closing, I was really sad. Sure, you can shop at their website, ShopDisney…but you have to pay for shipping most of the time, unless you catch a free shipping day or spend a certain amount […]

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Join me in this Challenge: Small Wins for February

We all have so much that we want to accomplish each day. I know that I never get everything done that I want to. There just isn’t enough time in the day! But instead of feeling like here you are months and months later, and nothing has changed, what if you felt differently? What if […]

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Looking for More Joy in Your Life? Check out this Free Masterclass!

Are you looking for more joy in your life? Sadhguru is one of the modern world’s most exalted yogis and visionaries, and has just announced an upcoming free online masterclass with Mindvalley…and you can join in, for free Haven’t heard of Sadhguru? He’s an internationally renowned speaker and author of the New York Times bestseller […]

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