Today is “Garlic Day” – And It’s Good for You Too!

Today is Garlic Day!

I must admit, garlic is one of my favorite foods.

I know that it makes your breath smell horrible afterwards, and I try to brush my teeth as soon as I can after eating it…but I just LOVE the taste.

I’ll put it on almost anything! (I have to say almost, because I’ve heard of garlic ice cream before, but just haven’t gotten myself to try it yet. That just sounds wrong.)

Garlic can make almost anything taste better. You can put it on your salad, put it in almost any dish, put it on top of nachos, put it on bread…I mean seriously, garlic can make almost ANYTHING taste better.

What makes it even better though, is that it’s SO good for you.

Here are just some of the reasons you should eat more garlic, today and every other day:

  • Are you trying to get rid of inflammation? Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Garlic has anti-bacterial properties as well – it can even help prevent food poisoning.
  • Garlic can help give your immune system a boost – worried about getting sick? Eat more garlic, and it can help you fight off infections. Even once you have a cold or are sick you can eat more garlic to help get rid of it sooner.
  • Garlic has allicin in it, which can lower your blood pressure. It may lower cholesterol as well, and in turn lower the risk of heart disease.
  • Allicin may even effectively treat hair loss when you rub garlic slices on your scalp. You can do this directly or make an oil rub with the garlic.
  • Garlic also has anti-fungal properties so it can be used to treat infections by rubbing raw garlic into the skin. Even acne can be helped by garlic.
  • Going outside in the summer? Rub some garlic oil on you, and keep the mosquitoes away.
  • Garlic might even be able to help you with your weight! A study with mice showed that when they ate a lot of garlic, they were able to lose weight.

…and just look at it this way. If everyone around you is eating garlic too, then you don’t have to worry about garlic breath anymore!

Plus, like I said before, garlic just tastes great. Who needs more reasons to eat it? But these reasons will definitely have me adding in more cloves each time I use garlic.

Garlic works the best when it’s raw, but of course you’ll still get some of the properties with cooked garlic. But if you can, add it at the very end…and eat it raw when possible.

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