Sleep More! (31 Days to a Happier You: Day 7)

What’s something that can help almost every area of your life…won’t cost you a penny…and you probably still don’t get enough of?
Sleep makes everything better. People who get at least 7 hours of sleep a night (although 8 is the recommended number) are happier than those who don’t. You’re less likely to fall into a depression if you get enough sleep at night.
Just because of that, it’s worth making sure you get enough sleep at night. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
What else can sleep do for you? It makes you less likely to get into a car accident, as many people get into one because of fatigue and slower reaction time.
You’ll yell at your kids less, you’ll lose your patience less in general, be more creative, remember more, lose weight, and more.
Plus, when you get enough sleep at night, you won’t be dragging the next day, exhausted and not wanting to do anything. You’ll be happier, healthier, and ready to take anything on.
I know it’s really hard to go to sleep at night…but isn’t it worth trying for all of these benefits?
This post is part of a 31 Days to a Happier You Challenge! Hopefully by the end of the month you’ll find a bunch of new things you can do to be happier every day!