My Kindle Unlimited Review – I’ve Almost Finished my First Year

On July 16th, I will have finished an entire year of being a member of Amazon Kindle Unlimited.

I joined originally because there was some sort of deal, and I paid a little bit less than full price. I love reading, so I figured having access to that many books that I could read whenever I wanted would be awesome.

Before I talk about my experience, I want to give full disclosure. I read a LOT. I love to read, and often have a book (or my Kindle) in my hand. So you may not have the same experiences as I did.

You can have up to 10 books at a time, which I thought was great. I love reading on vacation and often don’t have internet on my vacations…so it was great that I could get 10 books ahead of time so I knew I’d have enough to keep me busy while away.

I also like that I can go back and forth between books, so if I wanted I could read a fiction and non-fiction at the same time.

I will be the first to say that if you’re looking for best sellers, look somewhere else.

Sure, you’ll find a few, but most are books by people you’ve never heard of. Many are really good though, and have great reviews.

I found a lot of great authors I had never heard of, and once I read a book that I liked by an author, I’d go and read everything else available.

I haven’t had any problems finding highly rated books, and have liked almost all of the once I read.

I knew that my year had started sometime in July, and I didn’t want to be blindsided when all of the sudden I didn’t have access to the books anymore, so last night I went to my Amazon account to see when it was over. Since it was just a short time away, I wanted to see if I should continue, or stop at the end of the year.

I figured a great way to see if it was “worth it” before I renewed was to see how much I used it this past year.

I looked it up, and I’ve read 98 books in the 11 1/2 months I’ve been a part of Kindle Unlimited.

It’s $9.99 a month, and you can pay for 6, 12, or 24 months at once.

So assuming you choose a year (which is what I did), if you read 98 books also, that averages out to $1.22 a book.

I went back and looked at the prices of the books I read, and most were $3.99 – $5.99, but of course some were lower.

So to me, it was an awesome deal. With most fiction books, once I read it I’m done…so I didn’t care that I wouldn’t be able to keep them forever.

So I went and renewed it, and am happy to have done so.

If you’re only a casual reader, I don’t think it would be as great of a deal.

What you should do, is think about how many books you read a month, and then add up the cost of an average book to see if it’s worth it.

An even better idea is to get a 1-month free trial of Kindle Unlimited.

You’ll be able to see exactly what books are included, and read as many as you want. At the end of the month, if it’s worth it, stay. And if you realize you didn’t read as much as you thought you would, cancel and you won’t pay anything.

Get a Free 30-Day Trial to Kindle Unlimited!

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