Look on the Bright Side (31 Days to a Happier You: Day 16)

The Monty Python song “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” is going through my head as I write this post, because it turns out…that song is right!
You should look at the bright side of things if you want to be happier. Try not to dwell as much about the bad things. Think about all of the good things in your life.
Sure…it rained when you were supposed to go to the park, but at least the flowers are getting watered and will be even nicer the next time you go. Plus, you got to read a few pages of the book you’ve wanted to finish. There’s almost always a bright side, even if it isn’t so easy to find it.
Even if you can’t find the bright side to something specific, just try to think overall, what are the good things in your life? Try to focus on those.
Yes, I know that this isn’t always an easy thing to do, but if you always try to look at the bright side of things, you’ll be a happier person.
This post is part of a 31 Days to a Happier You Challenge! Hopefully by the end of the month you’ll find a bunch of new things you can do to be happier every day!