Is Exercise Magic?

Is Exercise Magic

Please, feel free to call me crazy.

But let me go through my thought process, and maybe you won’t think I am.

Yesterday was a completely blah day. I’m sure you know how it is. You don’t want to do any work. You know you have stuff to do, but you just can’t get the willpower to do it.

Everything seems like it’s going wrong, and you’re just in a bad mood. No matter how you try to talk yourself out of it, you just can’t.

Productivity? Hah. Procrastination was more like it.

Then I went to sleep.

It’s now just before lunch time the next day, and I feel like a completely different person.

I not only feel like life is good, but made a to-do list of all of the stuff I wanted to get done today, and have been steadily getting them accomplished.

It’s the complete opposite of yesterday.

I spent the past hour trying to figure out why.

Why on earth was it so hard to get any work done, but today it’s almost easy?

Why couldn’t I figure out anything to work on yesterday, and today I have a whole list of things to do?

I couldn’t think of anything that was different.

It’s not like anything good happened. It’s not like I got any good news. It’s not even like I spoke to a good friend or anything that would put me in a better mood.

And then it hit me.

I exercised this morning!

I’ve been lazy all week. Not only have I not exercised in the morning, but except for doing my mindful movements (which were NOT long at all), I haven’t done anything.

The weather has been cold, so I haven’t even been able to go for a walk!

But today, we got up early, and exercised.

It wasn’t even long. I did Shaun T’s T-25 (from BeachBody.) It was less than a half of an hour of exercise.

Don’t get me wrong, I got just under 2,000 steps from it, so it was a good workout. But that was the only thing different from yesterday.

I know exercise is good for your body.

But is it magic as well?

Can it really put you in a much better mood?  And make it possible to actually accomplish things?

I’ll have to start keeping track of it…but it can’t hurt to try it!

If you’re having a bad day…or just can’t get anything accomplished, try taking a half hour or so, and doing some exercise. See what happens!

I’m looking forward to seeing what happens tomorrow if I can get myself out of bed early!

my signature

T-25 Half OffIf you want to exercise and get in shape, but hate the idea of spending an hour or more a day doing it, try Shaun T’s T-25. It’s only 25 minutes a day, and it’s easy to do! There is also someone who modifies each exercise, so you can do that if you’re not quite ready to do the full thing.  This way it’s great for someone at any level!  Right now you can get 50% off!

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