Do Small Things to Get to Where You Want to Be (31 Days to a Happier You: Day 15)

Sometimes it’s hard to just make it through the day, I know. But what will make you happier, is to think about where you WANT to be and then move towards those goals.
What is it that would make you happier? Where do you want to be in life? For everyone it will be different.
Now…what things would get you towards your goal? It helps if you can up with small things that you can do to go towards your goal.
If you want to lose weight, exercising or cutting down on the food you eat would get you towards your goal. So maybe your goal could start off with being do an extra 5 minutes of exercise a day, or an extra 20 minute walk a week. Maybe even skip dessert every other day.
Want to have more money in your bank account? Go out to eat one less time a week. Get one less cup of coffee while you’re out. Put that money in an envelope so you can see the money saved.
It doesn’t matter what your goals are, as long as they mean something to YOU.
As you start making progress on your goals, no matter what they are, you’ll notice that you’ll be happier than you were.
This post is part of a 31 Days to a Happier You Challenge! Hopefully by the end of the month you’ll find a bunch of new things you can do to be happier every day!