
Category Archives for "Saving Money"

6-Month Magazine Subscriptions for 99 Cents?

I thought I was misreading it when I first looked, but today Amazon has a selection of magazines for 99 cents for a 6-month subscription. If you’ve wanted to get some magazines but didn’t want to pay a lot, now is your time! Note: These subscriptions will be automatically renewed at the end of the […]

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Bought a Men’s Gap Polo for $6 + Tax Yesterday!

I love finding great deals…especially on clothes. My husband and I were out shopping yesterday. We weren’t really looking for anything in particular, we just wanted to get outside since it was a beautiful day – and a holiday – so we figured there would be sales. That’s the best way to shop. When you […]

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Amazon Prime – Is it Worth Renewing?

I just happened to be looking at something on Amazon the other day, and noticed that my Amazon Prime subscription was set to renew. So I started thinking about it, trying to decide if the $99 a year was worth it. I know I enjoyed using it the past few years that I’ve had it, […]

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