
Category Archives for "Personal Development"

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! We’re now 8 days into 2024. Do you know what your plan is for the year? What do you want to accomplish? Whether it’s something with work, at home, or personally…do you have any ideas? I have to admit, for the past few months I’ve been…stuck. That’s not really the right word, […]

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Listen to Music! (31 Days to a Happier You: Day 4)

Music always makes me happy. There’s nothing better than being in the car blasting the radio and singing along to my favorite songs. That’s because listening to music can make you happier! You probably didn’t need me to tell you that. Listening to your favorite music (whatever kind of music that happens to be) can […]

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Get Outside! (31 Days to a Happier You: Day 3)

If you’re looking for something small (and fun) that you can do to be happier each day, all you have to do is go outside! I don’t know about you, but just thinking about being outside on a nice sunny, warm day makes me happier. Spending just 20 minutes outside a day in the fresh […]

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Drink More Water (31 Days to a Happier You: Day 2)

If you’re looking for a way to be happier that’s easy, you can’t get much easier than this. Drink more water. Seriously! Staying hydrated is something that will help your whole body, inside and out. I’m not saying you need to be guzzling water all day, but studies show that people who drink 6 or […]

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31 Days to a Happier You!

It’s summer! Now is the perfect time to make small changes so that you can be happier. So throughout the month of July, every day you’ll be able to come back here to find a new thing you can do to be a little bit happier. None of them take a lot of time, and […]

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Free Course: How to Find Your Life Purpose!

Do you feel like you’re living a life with no real meaning? Discover How to Find Your Life Purpose and Unleash Your Passion Sign Up Now to Get the: Discover How to Find Your Life Purpose and Unleash Your Passion 4-Week ecourse From: Your Name Date:  Subject: Find Your Purpose Dear Friend, Have you ever […]

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