Bought a Men’s Gap Polo for $6 + Tax Yesterday!

Gap Polo

I love finding great deals…especially on clothes.

My husband and I were out shopping yesterday. We weren’t really looking for anything in particular, we just wanted to get outside since it was a beautiful day – and a holiday – so we figured there would be sales.

That’s the best way to shop. When you NEED to buy something, you can end up spending more than you wanted.

Well, we walked into the GAP, and he found a polo that was regularly $34.95, on sale for $9.99. On top of that, everything was 40% off, bringing the polo down to just $5.99. Since we were in NY instead of NJ, we had to pay tax on it, but still…less than $7 for a GAP polo? Can’t beat that!

It’s just a reminder to always keep your eyes open. You never know when you’re going to find an awesome deal.

What was even better was these polos were right in front of the store. If they had been in a clearance section I’m sure he would never have even seen them.

So whenever you’re at a store you like…keep your eyes open. You might come across a great deal that you weren’t even looking for!

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