Awesome Cat Tree: Frisco 48-in Faux Fur Cat Tree & Condo

Condo in my House

After losing our amazing cat Halley last year, we finally decided it was time to get another cat.

This time, we thought we’d get 2 kittens.  This way we wouldn’t have to feel bad when we weren’t at home, as they’d have each other to play with and keep each other company.

We picked them up a few weeks ago, and all I can say is WOW do kittens have a lot of energy!

They’re having a ton of fun getting to know every inch of the house, as well as fighting with each other.  They love running up and down the hallway too.

Because we knew they’d have a lot of energy, we wanted to get them a nice cat condo that had a few different features:

  1. Height – It needed to be tall enough. We have a 4 year old daughter who is very sweet, but sometimes wants to give the kittens more attention than they want. So this had to be big enough that they could have some space that they can get above her, and be away from her if they wish.
  2. A place to Scratch – While we have some corrugated cardboard type things in the house the cats can use to scratch, we didn’t have a scratching post anymore. So we wanted something that would give them things to scratch.
  3. Fun – They’re kittens. We know that no matter how much we play with them, they’ll have more energy to play. So we wanted something that had some sort of toys that they could play with whenever they wanted it.
  4. Price – While we wanted something that was good quality, we really didn’t want to spend a lot on something that we didn’t know if the kittens would even like or use.

We found the Frisco 48″ Cat Tree & Condo on Chewy’s website for just $44. We thought it was a great deal.

It also fit everything we were looking for. At 48″ it’s tall enough that the cats can have the upper hand if they want to “get away” for a little bit. It has not one, but 5 different places they can scratch. It has 2 toys that they can go after and play with whenever they want. And as a bonus, it has a little place they can “hide” if they want.

Cats on Condo

As we were putting this together, the cats were already trying to get on it and play with it. We didn’t have to worry that the cats would prefer the box it came in. In fact, they ignored the box completely! (Hard to believe, isn’t it?)

They love every part of this. They sleep on it, they play with the toys. They scratch it. They even decided think it’s a fun place to just hang out and watch what we’re doing.

They’ve spent a lot of time on it in the short time we’ve had it so far.  We’re so glad we got it so far, and they seem to be just as happy!

In fact, at this moment both kittens are on the condo.  Dash (the one on the right in the picture) is cleaning himself on the top perch, and Violet (the one on the left) is cleaning herself on the slightly lower perch.

We really can’t believe it was only $44, as it’s really high quality. We think it’s going to last a really long time, even with these crazy kittens.

If you’d like to check it out, here’s the Frisco 48″ Cat Tree & Condo.

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