Adorable Disney Dress I Just Bought my Daughter!

Disney Dress from Jane

I love Disney. I can’t help it. I’ve always been this way, and I won’t apologize for it. I live for my trips to Walt Disney World, and in the meantime watch Disney movies, and surround myself with a few select Disney items so I can feel the magic all of the time.

I really like shopping at as they have a lot of different things that you don’t find anywhere else. They have stuff for adults, kids, home stuff, and more.

Well, earlier in the month, I saw this really cute Minnie Mouse dress. I wanted to think about it, and then of course forgot about it until the next day. When I checked the next day, it was gone. I realized that I thought it was adorable, and wanted to get it for our next trip, which will be in 2019. So I put my email on the notifications so that if it came back on the site, I’d get an email.

This morning I got an email, and quickly went and purchased it. I’m so so excited. It’s adorable.  There are 19 different dresses. Almost any princess you can think of has a dress – Snow White, Elsa, Anna, Jasmine, Belle, Merida, and more. You can even get an Incredibles dress, Buzz Lightyear dress, or if you know someone who loves Star Wars, a Darth Vader dress.

They’re all adorable, but it was easy for me to choose Minnie Mouse. My daughter is still really young, and hasn’t watched any of the movies yet. She knows Minnie Mouse due to the books we have in the house, and even a few Minnie toys. So I’m sure she’ll love the dress. When she’s a bit older, I’ll get a few others.

I read so many reviews about how soft and comfortable the dress is, so I can’t wait to see it for myself. I’m just hoping I chose the right size. Once you get to 2T, it’s 2T/3T, 4T/5T, etc… so I’m hoping what I got won’t be too big for our trip next year. But I figure if nothing else, she’ll get to wear it longer this way!

I’ll let you know what I think once it comes in. I’m so excited though! Hopefully my daughter will be as well.

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