What Vitamins I Take Each Day – And Why

A few days ago, I posted about why I was renewing Amazon Prime, and in the post happened to mention that I realized I was low on one of my vitamins, and ordered a refill.

So I ended up getting a few questions about it, and wanted to share what vitamins I take, and why.

I will be the first to say that I have no idea if I’m taking the right vitamins, but after a lot of research felt that they would help. I can also say that I didn’t get sick at all this past winter, and usually get at least one cold, so I’d like to think that the vitamins were at least part of the reason why.

Before I share them, let me tell you this: I can’t swallow pills. So if there are better vitamins in these categories that are pills, I didn’t even look at them. It had to be either liquid or chewable or a gummy for me to even consider it.

I did some research before choosing each one, and ended up taking into account how good the reviews were plus the price. This is what I’ve been taking for a while now, and I’ve been happy with them:

I started taking Vitafusion Vitamin D3 because when I was at the doctor’s a few years ago, I was told I had really low levels of Vitamin D.

I liked that it’s a high level of D (2,000 IU per serving) and is only 2 gummies. Some of the bottles said you had to take quite a few more gummies for one serving, and I wouldn’t want that.

While it’s probably not the best one out there, it’s the best selling Vitamin D on Amazon, and has a lot of great reviews. I think they taste pretty good.

Most of the Omega 3 vitamins are pills, and most of the ones that aren’t have bad reviews because they taste horrible.

I’ve been using the Coromega packets for a few years now, and think they’re great. I have only tried the orange ones, so I can’t speak about any other flavor, but they’re pretty decent. They have no fish taste at all, and just taste orange. It’s such a little packet that while it’s not the best taste out there, you’re done in just a second and can go on with your day. It’s also not very expensive, and I like that as well.

I haven’t gotten sick since I started taking these vitamins. Is this the reason why? I really don’t know. But I am glad I’m taking them. They have Elderberries in them (which are supposed to be really good for you), as well as some vitamin C and Zinc. All things that will help your immune system so you don’t get sick, and also help you get better sooner if you do get sick.

Elderberries can also help ease headache, sore throat, fatigue, cough, and more. It might even help with sinus infections.

Even if you’re healthy it’s good to take every day, since it will boost your immune system. I’ve been enjoying taking it every day. I have to say I enjoy the taste of the gummies.

I know these are kids probiotics, but since I can’t swallow pills, I didn’t have a lot of choices. These can either be swallowed or chewed, and are the number one vitamin for kids in Amazon.

I wanted to take probiotics because I heard how many different things affect your health when your gut is out of whack. One thing is that you can get sick more often. When I was younger, I got sick a lot, and was on antibiotics way too much.

So I thought it could only help to try some probiotics.

A few weeks after I started taking them I was shocked though, as I had a side effect that I didn’t expect.

All of the sudden, one day my mind was clear. In other words, I was able to concentrate! For quite a while beforehand, whenever I was working, it was really hard for me to get things done.

Even when I REALLY wanted to work on something, I just couldn’t keep my mind concentrating on it. It was really bad.

I had no idea that this would help with that…but it seems to be a great side effect.

I haven’t noticed anything else being different since I started taking the probiotics, but that alone is a good enough reason for me to continue!

I will say that you do need to take them every day to see any changes though. When I ran out and didn’t get to refill them for a few days, I didn’t really notice any difference…but a few weeks later after I had been taking them again consistently for a few weeks, I got that same wake up call where I could easily concentrate again, as if someone cleared the cobwebs from my brain. So I now know that I need to make sure I take this every day.

So that’s what I’ve been taking for quite a while now and I’m happy with it. I originally wanted a multi-vitamin, but with all of these individual ones, I thought it was best to stay away from a multi.

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