Today is “Look Up at the Sky Day”

Look up at the Sky Day

Today is “Look Up at the Sky Day”.

It means that you should take the time today to stop what you’re doing, and look up. Notice how beautiful the sky is. Appreciate it.

Normally we spend each and every day running on autopilot.

You go to work, get your errands done, take care of everything around the house that needs to be done, etc…

You probably never take any time just to “be”. Just to realize how beautiful it is outside, and how nice it is to just take a minute to appreciate what you have.

I personally spend way too much time indoors, but when I’m outside I love just looking up and giving myself a moment to just relax.

In that one moment, I don’t think about anything, worry about what I need to still to today, or do anything at all. But just enjoy what I’m seeing and be content – and even happy – even if only for a few seconds before I move along with my day.

When you get to a point where you’re just running on autopilot and you aren’t even noticing the beautiful world around you…go outside, take a moment, and look up at the sky.

I bet you’ll feel more relaxed, even if only for a short while.

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