Cat Nose Pendant – Am I Crazy for Considering Buying This?

Cat Nose Pendant

Let me start with this: I love my cat. We all love our pets of course, but I really do love her so much.  She is almost always near me. At night, she sleeps on my pillow. During the day, most of the time she is either sitting next to me, or is on my lap.

So when I tell you what I’m thinking of buying, don’t think I’m completely crazy. I just love my cat, a lot…and know that one day she won’t be around anymore. Thank goodness she’s only 8, so she will hopefully be around for a long long time, but I know that one day…

I enjoy shopping at Uncommon Goods, because they have things I haven’t seen before, and probably won’t find anywhere else.

So it’s always fun to see what’s new, and what’s on sale…and even just browse around the different sections. They have some cool stuff!

But now I have a dilemma. I found a necklace where you take a mold of your cat’s nose (they do it for dogs too), you send it to the artist, and she’ll make it into a sterling silver necklace for you.

So you end up with an imprint of your cat’s nose that you can wear around your neck forever.

The problem? It’s $210.  I have necklaces that cost over $200, so that’s not the issue. The issue is that I’m not sure if I want to pay over $200 to have a nose as a necklace.

I love the idea that I’ll have something of my cat forever, that I can always look at and wear.

It has incredible reviews. I mean if you just take 5 minutes reading them, you’ll be set on wanting one as well. Every single person says they love it, and that it means the world to them. I even got teary eyed at reading some of them who had just lost their pets but now at least have this necklace to remember them by.

They all say that it’s high quality, and that it’s a nice heavy necklace. So that’s not the problem. I know it’ll be very high quality.

The question is, do I want to wear a pendant of my cat’s nose?

On the other hand, it’s a really cool and unique way to be close to her. And she has such a cute pink nose!

I’d love to hear what anyone has to say about this…I think it’s such a cute idea, but wonder…will I wear a necklace of a nose?

Please, any comments would be greatly appreciated!

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