30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 7

30 Day Mindfulness Challenge Day 7

I can’t believe it’s been an entire week now since I started my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge.

That means I’ve now meditated using Headspace for 7 days in a row!

What did I think? Well, today even though I still had a hard time being mindful, I did feel a little more relaxed by the time the 10 minutes were up.

Maybe you have to do this for a lot longer before it really makes a big difference? I don’t know.

I am looking forward to trying to meditate in the morning, instead of at night. Even though I’m only officially trying each method for a week, I’m going to try to continue meditating each day since it’s supposed to be so incredibly good for you.

If you’re interested in seeing how meditation really helped someone, here’s a great book that I actually read. It’s called 10% Happier and is about how someone reduced stress through meditation. It was definitely an interesting read, and made me think that I should try meditation.

I’m really looking forward to what next week will bring!

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