30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 6

30 Day Mindfulness Challenge Day 6

I have now done the Headspace guided meditations for 6 days in a row as part of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge.

I’ve never even done two days in a row…although not because I didn’t want to.

For years I’ve been hearing and reading about how being mindful, and specifically meditating can really help you be healthier, happier, less stressed, and so on.

But it’s SO much easier to WANT to do it than actually do it!

I’m sure you know what I mean.

So how did today go? I still did it too late at night.

I spent the day with a friend, and it was after 8pm when she left…and it was 2 hours after that until I finally did it.

But I think it went pretty well. I was able to be somewhat mindful, although it was still a pretty long 10 minutes.

Even though the week of meditation ends tomorrow, I’m going to keep trying to meditate throughout next week, and hopefully do it early in the morning.

If you’ve done any research at all into being mindful or meditation, then no doubt the name Jon Kabat-Zinn has come up. He is all about mindfulness, and created a program called the mindfulness-based stress reduction. He has also written many books. One such book is called Wherever You Go, There You Are and is about mindfulness meditation in everyday use. An even more well known book of his is about mindfulness specifically to face stress, pain, and illness, and is called Full Catastrophe Living (another book I own, and have read more than half of this one!)

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