30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 4

30 Day Mindfulness Challenge Day 4

Today was the 4th day of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge.

It’s been the hardest day so far, as I woke up after getting only a few hours of sleep due to a cold.

This afternoon I was feeling much better, but still put off doing the meditation. I finally did it just a few minutes ago, which is almost bed time.

I can’t say that I felt mindful at all. Unfortunately, there was too much going on in the house that I heard in the background, even with earphones in.

Also, I kept thinking about all of the things I still needed to do before bed, and what I wanted to get done in the morning.

I’m going to try to do the next Headspace meditation early in the day tomorrow, to see if that helps at all.

That’s another way you can try being mindful. Try meditating at different times of the day, and see what works best for you. It might be first thing in the morning, after work, or even right before bed. You never know when will be the best time to feel mindful.

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