30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 29

30 Day Mindfulness Challenge Day 29

There are only two days left as part of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge.

So far I’ve done 4 different 1-week exercises, which leaves me with the two extra days.

So I’ve decided that for these days, I’ll just do what I enjoyed the most.

So today I used Headspace to do a guided meditation.

I really liked using Headspace as it made it a lot easier to be mindful. I was told what to focus on, and it gave me an exact timeframe.

I will hopefully keep up with this long after the month is over. I know how meditation is supposed to be so great for you, and Headspace seems to make it easier.

There are many different guided meditations out there. I suggest trying one of them, especially if you haven’t been able to meditate on your own.

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