30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 2

30 Day Minfulness Meditation Day 2

This is the 2nd day of the 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge that I’ve decided to do.

I hope you join me. You can join in at any time. Each week I’m choosing a new way to be mindful. This week is all about meditation.

Because I’ve had a hard time with it, I decided to use the App Headspace (available both for Apple and Android) to try meditating. I’m on day 5 today (the first 3 days I did months and months ago – and not even in a row.) Yesterday I did day 4. The first 10 days are free, so it’s great to see if you like guided meditation or not.

I just finished the 10 minutes, and I thought they went pretty quickly.

Unfortunately for me, my cat decided that while I was doing this was a great time to jump around and beg for dinner, so my mind did wander a bit…but I found that I was able to be mindful.

I especially found it helpful when I was trying to see how different parts of my body felt. I didn’t realize that there is a spot on my lower left back that is really, really tight! I’ll have to try to stretch that area tonight.

I think it’s getting a bit easier, and I know that one of the keys is to do it every single day, and not just every once in a while.

I bet after a while you won’t even need the audio anymore.

Like I mentioned yesterday, there are many ways to be mindful, and even many ways to meditate.

If you don’t like the idea of listening to a guided meditation, another way to be mindful is to get a book that will tell you what to do each day.

I actually bought this book a year or two ago. It’s called The Little Book of Mindfulness: 10 Minutes a Day to Less Stress, More Peace.”

I haven’t read it yet, but I love the idea of it. If you still want a guided meditation, but instead of having someone’s voice in your ear you want to read it and be mindful on your own, this is the way.

I’ve already decided to spend the week doing Headspace, but if I have time at all, I might try using the book at some point as well. If so, I’ll let you know.

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