30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 17

30 Day Mindfulness Challenge Day 17

I’ve done a bunch of different things so far as part of my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge, but I have to say that this one is the most fun.

Mindful eating.

It means exactly what you think. Paying attention to what you’re eating. How it feels in your mouth, how it smells, how it tastes.

Most of the time, we’re eating while doing something else – whether it’s talking to others, watching TV, reading, or even working. Food is great, but we often don’t give it enough attention.

So today during lunch (which I really shouldn’t mention was Fage coconut yogurt with chocolate chips…not the most healthy, I know. But it tasted so good!) I ate mindfully. Not for the whole meal, but for part of it.

It’s amazing how food tastes and smells better when you actually pay attention to it! It’s a great thing to try if you’re having problems being mindful doing other things. If you love food, really pay attention to it.

I think you’ll like this one!

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