30 Day Mindfulness Challenge: Day 11

30 Day Mindfulness Challenge Day 11

So I’ve been doing my 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge for 11 days now.

I really enjoyed the meditations via Headspace…but as far as the breathing exercises, well, I don’t feel quite as mindful.

It might be because they have no set time, so I haven’t been doing them for very long – only a few minutes each.

The positive side is that I can see easily doing this a few times a day (if you remember!)

I have to be better about doing that, as I’ve been doing each one once a day. If you just can’t get the time to meditate though, this is a good second I would think.

Today, I tried another new breathing exercise.

This one is very similar to the first one I did on Monday, with one extra step.

You breathe normally, paying attention to your breaths as you do. You feel the breath fill you when you breathe in, and as it leaves you when you breathe out.

Any thoughts that come into your mind while you’re doing this, you just acknowledge them, and let them go…and go back to paying attention to your breathing.

I didn’t find this hard to do, as it’s part of what I did when using Headspace to meditate. It’s easy to just do for a few minutes every so often, but again, since there wasn’t any set time, I just did it for a few minutes and that was it.

If you’re very good at making sure you do certain things every day, this may be a great way to be mindful. For someone like me though, I think doing a guided meditation is easier since it has a set stop time, so once I set aside the time to do it, I know I’m getting a good amount of mindfulness in.

What do you like better if you’ve tried both…meditation, or just breathing exercises?

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